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Thursday 29 October 2015

Velvet's weapon

This is entirely theory and is based on pretty much nothing. Despite this, I get the sense that Velvet's weapon may not actually be a single weapon, but rather, a collection of weapons from which to choose from. For example, it could be a series of guns and swords that each use dust in a different way, that she can select for different scenarios.

The reasons I believe this are as follows; Firstly, Coco makes a point of saying that she had spent all semester building it up, leading me to think that it is a series of tools and items to use in various situations.

Secondly, well, it was said to be Monty's favourite weapon, and it is clear that the weapons he preferred were ones the were as complicated, but useful in various scenarios (see everything in RWBY), and you can't get anything that fits that definition more than having something for every situation  in a single box. As someone who appreciates and designs vaguely similar weapons, I can say that my favourite of my own creations was a collection of tools and weapons as well (which actually gave me the thought that if I had thought of it, Monty must definitely have had similar ideas purely for being better at me at everything and more). Of course, this also means that he had probably thought of something much more clever and none of this may be true.

Finally, if Velvet's weapon is a collection of weapons, then it is also implied that she has many, but can only use each once, as Coco also tells her not to waste her weapon on some grimm.

In any case, I am more than hyped to see what it is :)

By the way, there is also another theory that appears to be much more fitting than my own which is that Velvet's weapon is actually an automated rabbit that she has stitched together. This also makes sense and fits the Velveteen Rabbit story. Her symbol is also a heart stitched together.

If asked which idea were more likely, I would definitely go with the theory that is not my own, but I am putting mine out there just in case.

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