Blog Archive

Monday, 16 November 2015

Is Ozpin Mercury's father?

So after thinking about Mercury's line: "Bad hair, used a scythe and smelled like my Dad after a long day" in description of Qrow. If you've seen any of my other posts, you'd know I'm pretty sure that there is a link between Qrow and Ozpin, even if it may just be similar personalities. Mercury saying that Qrow smelt like his Dad implies that he could tell that Qrow was similar to his father, and of course, the key candidate for someone being similar to Qrow is Ozpin.

Additionally, if Ozpin were Mercury's father, it would explain their similar appearance, and why Mercury joined Cinder. He clearly didn't like his father, and probably ran away from home at a young age. Grey hinted that we would get to see more about the villain's back stories, and right now this is the only lead we have for Mercury, so it makes sense. We also haven't heard Ozpin's last name. It was pointed out by Monty that his name didn't have anything to do with colour "for reasons". This of course could be because his name is Ozpin Black.

Update: It seems that several other people have had the same idea so hopefully this is theory may actually be right!


  1. But Mercury killed his father and then burned the house down thats how he broke his legs(I think)

    But on the other hand Mercury said his father was a murderer and Ozpin said he had made more mistakes then any man woman or child soooo....

    1. Yeah, I made this theory before episode 7 which was probably a mistake XD

    2. Lol idiots he literally said my father is dead *spit*
