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Wednesday 18 November 2015

Qrow's Semblance

This is going to be a pretty quick theory and has probably already been thought of by many others. Anyway, Qrow's semblance has been something that I've been quite interested in working out. After Chapter 3 happened though, it seems that it may have been revealed. There are two times when Qrow shows signs of using an additional power. The first is where Winter punches him in the face, and his eye seems to glow red slightly, before he retaliates with an attack powerful enough to shatter the ground. This is obviously quite reminiscent of Yang's semblance. However, I'd always assumed that it was an unrelated animation effect to show that he was ready to retaliate (it's quite common in anime for people's eyes to glint with a bright colour for this kind of thing).

After this though, he also attacks Winter with a long range strike that seems to be made from the same energy as her glyph birds. This makes it very likely that Qrow's semblance is the ability to absorb attacks and counter-attack with them.

It's similar to his niece's except it's probably a bit more adaptable as he appears to be able to use the powers he is hit with against his enemy instead of just becoming stronger (as shown by the Winter counter-attack where he proved to be able to use this power to create an attack out of her own semblance). This means that he would be even tougher to deal with than Yang as her semblance isn't as well adapted for taking out enemies at long range, whereas with Qrow's, it doesn't matter how close or far you are, just know that if you attack him, you're going to be hit with the same force.

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