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Sunday 15 November 2015

Volume 3 Chapter 3 Quick Review

So we got to see the newest episode this week. I'm expecting a World of Remnant next week, and I don't mind because this chapter was definitely enough to keep me happy for another two weeks.


So, first up, we got to see a LOT today. A long episode, with an insane fight. So, I'll get this fight out of the way. It was awesome. I was worried that Qrow and Winter wouldn't prove that they really were legends in a world full of people who are already skilled to say the least, and I was able to put these worries to rest.

Not only was the choreography brilliant, but the pacing of the action was everything I could have asked for. Unlike some scenes in Red vs Blue Season 12, the speed of this fight was ridiculously fast, which is everything I could have wished for. Not to mention, the facial animations were still amongst the best we've seen in RWBY. It was clear that lots of effort had been put into everything, even the hologram of Vale and Beacon that was a pleasant surprise.

In terms of each of the individual character's movements, everyone had their own style. Qrow was sluggish when walking around, but showed similarities to Ruby's fighting style when in action, which was all spot on to what he should have been. Winter was a taller, less Ruby-influenced Weiss, and Weiss was Weiss. Ruby was just as energetic as she should have been (jumping onto Qrow's arm). This was even shown in characters who got a bit less screen time. The bad guys moved and had evil expressions. Glynda had some major sass in the way she walked and stood, and Ozpin was Ozpin. All around, very impressive.


This revealed some interesting factors. First off, Ruby mimicking Winter and Weiss was fun, but more importantly, we got to see where Weiss learned her attitude from. Qrow was drunk and badass. You could pretty much use that as a description for any of his lines.

The dialogue began to get more interesting after the fight though. We were introduced to the inner circle. I'm not sure if we've met all its members, but I'll probably make a post on it when we find out more. However, it's what the inner circle was discussing that was most interesting. We were introduced to the fact that their is a person called "Autumn" with a particular condition, and that Cinder is probably to blame (see previous post). We learned that the enemy the inner circle is facing is probably much more dangerous than we realise, and that it may require all of Ironwood's forces if it is revealed.

Finally, Cinder and her friends got some more time. Mercury revealed his perception of his father, which seems to be bad. This will probably be revealed when we learn why he joined Cinder in the first place. Emerald didn't get to speak a lot, but Cinder had some interesting lines (see previous post). All in all, very intriguing.


Qrow vs Winter. asdasoidhs. It was good. Really good. The weapons were awesome, and we haven't even seen all they have to offer (I'm looking at you Qrow).
Other than that, we saw Ruby's affection for Qrow shining through, proving how much she looks up to him. In fact, everything Qrow did this episode was brilliant and thanks to him I'm no longer straight. Ozpin and Glynda made their return, alongside some other friendly faces we hadn't seen yet this volume. I also liked Mercury's expression upon seeing that Qrow was back. It showed that the villains had definitely had some history with our drunk badass. Beyond that, we got to see more from Cinder that I discussed in a previous post.


Pretty good. We got a nice mash up of themes, with a few extra motifs during the fight, alongside some electronic coolness. Around this, there were several other themes that definitely brought back memories of moments in previous seasons. Especially when we hadn't yet seen Qrow. Overall, very nice.

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