So this was a quick thought I had - what if Raven and Adam were related? Or acquaintances/friends. I have several reasons for thinking this could be the case, and the first is of course, the masks. Both Raven and Adam wear distinctive Grimm masks. Although it has only been speculated as to why Raven wears the mask, Adam is probably the one who "had the idea" to give them all to the White Fang. This could mean that Adam was inspired to wear the Grimm mask and black clothes by Raven if he in some way idolized her, or was trained by her.

This brings me onto the next point - their combat style. Although we haven't seen enough of Raven in action to confirm as to whether or not she actually does use it, it seemed from her first attacks that she did. What she was using was iaido, the exact same katana centred style that Adam uses. In addition to the fact that Adam probably wasn't trained in an academy or everyone would know about him, then he could well have been trained by Raven.
Added to the fact that Raven's first appearance was on a White Fang train, she may well be linked to them in some way. This also supports the theory that Raven is evil, and anything that supports that is something I'm interested in.
I'm certain other people have had this idea (one person on RT's website beat me to it as I was typing this up!) but hey, the more theories people have about best grill the better :)
adam is the son of qrow. Adam looks like a sober and clean version of Qrow. Be it facial structure, body type, and even his hairstyle (aside from the color), their appearances are identical I mean their hair style . It’s been confirmed that Adam and Ruby are not related. But it’s also been confirmed that Ruby and Qrow are technically not related (biologically) as he is Raven Branwen’s brother and Yang’s uncle. So Adam could actually be Yang’s cousin. It would certainly be poetically ironic for a high-ranking member of the white fang to have a human parent. plus it would explain why adam taurus has the exact same colour scheme as raven and that adam and raven have near identical weaponry and fighting styles, their mastery of “Iaido” (a Japanese martial skill). can both Adam and Raven wear clothing based on the Shihakusho, though Adam takes a Western twist on it, while Raven stays true to the Oriental roots and adorns her sash. adam means red which fits the color scheme and taurus means bull so his name would mean red bull but adam can also mean man so his name would translate to man bull which would be meaningful since it would translate to him being half faunus .
ReplyDeletethink about it yang looks just like her mother besides the hair and she only gets her mothers eyes when she is in her berserk/super mode and ruby looks just like her mother so it would be fitting if qrow branwens son looked just like but different hair color
I hadn't thought of him being Qrow's son. I even remember thinking that they looked similar when I saw Qrow's concept design reveal! Although it clashes with the "Ruby related to Qrow and not Taiyang" theory, it still makes a lot of sense.
DeleteThinking about it, the old character design for Adam was very different in terms of clothing, implying that they may have chosen to make it more robe-like in order to match Raven's Shihikusho style.
what if adam is ravens son that would make him yangs half brother and while yang took taiyangs colour scheme her father adam would take theri mothers. but I like the adam is qrows son better and how would blake react to qrow due to his appearance
ReplyDeleteAdam being Raven's son is definitely plausible, especially with their colour schemes.
Deleteif you would compare jaune with shiro who in rwby do you think would be comparable/ who would you compare to the fate characters sakura matou, rin tohsaka , and saber (shiros saber)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like fun XD
DeleteOkay, firstly, I'd say that Saber is most similar to Pyrrha. They are both strong willed, straight-to-the-point do-gooders. Not to mention that they are both all around badasses. Sakura would be Velvet. Both are quiet and mean well, but often get pushed around. We have yet to see whether Velvet will go down the same route that Sakrua does in Heaven's Feel though...
Rin is the hardest to work out in my opinion. She has a bit of Weiss (being quite the tsundere), but also has a lot of the hotheadedness of Yang. In terms of ability, she is also somewhere between these two. She uses magic that is fundamentally similar to Weiss', but also doesn't mind going in close to punch her enemy to pieces. I'd have to therefore say that Rin is a mixture of both Yang and Weiss.
who would be shinji, kotomine, lancer, and gilgamesh
DeleteHmm. Shinji would be Cardin. They're pretty much the same, except Cardin has actually shown some level of skill, but both run away when they get scared (Cardin when Ursa attacks, and Shinji, well, whenever he's on the screen). Kotomine is a bit more difficult, as so far, we don't know about any characters who directly killed pretty much everything the protagonists hold dear. So, I'm going to have to base him off stature and personality alone, and say Ironwood. Both want to manipulate the good guy into acting in a more reckless and violent way, and both (probably) turn evil later on in the series. Lancer is a bit difficult as well. I'd probably have to say Qrow. Although it's not a perfect match, both have shown that they have great skill, have a reckless personality, and don't like doing what corrupt higher-ups say. Also both are certified ladykillers. Finally Gilgamesh. I can't think of any characters who directly share his level of arrogance and desire to destroy the world. I'm going to have to say Cinder, purely because we don't have anyone else who seems to have every trap card there is, whilst also being personally equipped to handle most problems. We also have nothing to say that she's not completely disgusted by the thought of fighting people who aren't worthy, nor that she gets ridiculously frustrated when she gets beaten. Also Gil is best gurl.
Deletewho would be zouken , and cardin didnt run away when the ursa come it was his teammates who ran away. who would be rider, and illya and issei ryuudo
DeleteSorry about the late reply! I've had a pretty hectic week!
DeleteAlso I think Cardin attempted to run away, but the ursa reached him before he could, but I could be wrong. Other than that, I think Zouken would have to be Weiss' father - you never really see him, but you know he's always doing evil stuff (although Weiss' father is probably far less cruel than Zouken :P) Secondly, I think Rider (Alexander) would be Sun - fun loving and generally badass. And abs. And Rider (Medusa) would be Blake - both are ninja like and use weapons attacked to the end of chains. And in terms of personality, they are both quite quiet but overall good people. Illya's a bit difficult, but I'd actually say Neo for earlier stages (when she's the quiet badass who just stands there) as Neo seems to be exactly that. You could even say that Roman's fight with RWBY in the mech is similar to Berserker's fight with Saber and Archer in UBW, and both Neo and Illya do the same thing. Watch all the time, then when things start to go against the plan; step in and escape with their ally. However, after Illya becomes good, she's revealed to be completely different. Although there's nothing to disprove the possibility of Neo having the same arc, I'd say Nora is a better fit for Illya's later moments. Energetic, strong and constantly looking up to Shiro/Ren respectfully. Finally, I'd say Issei Ryuudo would be Scarlet - Could be important, but, well, aren't (unless Scarlet becomes a major part later on).
Thank you for the comment, these are always fun! :)